Enhancing Your Zero Trust Strategy with Votiro

When it comes to internet security, we have been constantly warned in our professional and personal online activity: “Don’t trust anything!” When you think about it, we’ve become suspicious of:
- The integrity of websites and downloading from them.
- Receiving emails from addresses unknown to us.
- Email addresses we do know and checking properties.
- Clicking icons and links.
Suspicion is not a natural default position for many of us. We have learned — some of us the hard way — that when it comes to internet integrity, content is not always as it appears. Hackers are becoming increasingly competent at presenting threats in a manner familiar to us, to trick us. We want to be able to go about our business in a carefree and productive way, spending our time thinking, sharing, researching, and collaborating — without the overhead of suspicion. Votiro complements your organization’s Zero Trust strategy because all files and emails presented pass through our processing with zero trust for the unknown. We leave the trust component to our Positive Selection® engine, as it processes data in motion — analyzing, reconstructing, testing, and delivering — so that 100% of files are securely delivered to end-users.
Supporting Staff Workflow with a Zero Trust Strategy
In the ‘Work from Anywhere’ world we now live in, organizations are challenged to provide a flexible and secure synchronized environment across global locations and personal devices. A productive workforce needs to trust the files and emails they use to communicate and collaborate with. In addition, they need to have the peace of mind that their network comes with security embedded and the speed they expect.
Enter: Zero Trust.
With a zero trust strategy, you simply do not trust anyone or anything that attempts to enter your network. After all, you can’t take the risk of letting in a potential risk before they are capable of showing you what they really are. When you implement a zero trust strategy, your workforce will be more productive without the overhead of being scared of potential cybersecurity threats. Gone will be the days of your employees being suspicious of every click they make, slowing them down and distracting them. The responsibility of knowing that a misplaced click or an unfortunate download may expose not only themselves, but also their colleagues, to hackers is a responsibility one step too far. This burden should be removed from your workforce; their suspicion replaced by a safe harbor. They should be free to work uninterrupted and secure in the knowledge that their actions cannot cause a breach in security. Suspicion is not their responsibility, and this is exactly why a zero trust strategy has become imperative for organizations.
Trusting the Content – Zero Tolerance of Unknown Elements
Content is a conduit for successful malware attacks, whether through email, websites, or applications. Votiro relieves you of the burden of checking for malicious content in a file by only trusting positive content and providing zero tolerance towards unknown elements. With traditional email, file security, and content disarm and reconstruction solutions, all it takes is a small rogue element for the whole file to be rendered malicious and be blocked, or extracted for additional and time-consuming testing or manipulation. However, by taking a zero trust approach and positively selecting elements known to be safe by Votiro, this procedure is faster and completely up-to-date, with no reliance on checking signature databases for known threats or sandboxing and no opportunity for zero day attacks. Votiro’s Positive Selection ensures end-users receive files free from the possibility of an attack, 100% of the time.
A file contains many elements that we recognize and know to be regular components of a particular file type. The file may have the right extension, pass True Type authentication, and have the regularly named folders and files, objects, and elements. This would generally lead us to believe that the file presented was recognized and something we could trust, with no suspicious components.
But this approach is not good enough! Hackers have become increasingly brazen with their attempts to trick us into believing we recognize websites as authentic, trust the links to the websites, recognize logos, addresses, icons and more. We are being manipulated to trust the content in front of us because we have been manipulated to recognize the content. This is why we must not rely on staff to be suspicious and responsible. We must instead work on creating a stronger zero trust strategy and provide the necessary tools responsible for delivering content that is 100% safe.
Why the Positive Approach to Zero Trust Works
Votiro is powered by our proprietary Positive Selection® technology. This technology takes a trust only in the positive approach to files presented, breaking down every element of a file recursively to the lowest-level element. Each element passes through Votiro, where the Positive Selection processing engine analyzes it. If we do not recognize an element 100% and trust it to be safe, that element will not pass through the Positive Selection engine and will go back into the newly reconstructed, fully functional, and completely threat-free template. The new file comprises only elements that have passed the positive selection process, eliminating any potential security breach.
Votiro partners with File Type providers, such as Microsoft and Adobe, and has expertise matching file elements presented with the known elements of a file. This enables deconstructing files to individual elements and automatically passing only known and recognized elements through to the new file template, to deliver 100% safe content. This also eliminates the risk of zero-day attacks, the overhead of maintaining databases of known threats, and the resources and time needed to manage this architecture. Votiro processes data in motion with no additional overhead of decision-making by individuals involved. This allows web downloads to be delivered within milliseconds of a user’s click, so their workflow is not interrupted or compromised by either time or security. Eliminating the intervention of privileged users from the analysis process gives staff confidence in the confidentiality of the secured files received.
Votiro: A Zero Trust Strategy That Works
Here at Votiro, we know that a zero trust strategy is the only way to ensure your network stays free of attack. Votiro processes files using Positive Selection techniques to only trust in the positive. By doing so, it:
- Validates — accepts only the known non-harmful elements of a file.
- Controls — the component elements of content accepted as secure in a file.
- Enforces — file integrity and delivery of 100% secure files into an organization.
Votiro’s Positive Selection technology results in users being 100% secure with the knowledge that the files they rely on are 100% safe. Discover the benefits today and contact us.
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