Votiro for
Data Lakes

Get clean data from your data lake and data storage environments. So clean you could drink it.

You have your data lake. Everything is stored where you need it to be – safe as can be. Or so you think. Just like a water treatment plant keeps pollution out of real lakes, you’ll need to keep malware pollution out of your data lakes. Votiro prevents known and unknown threats from entering your data storage locations – without slowing down business.

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Why Votiro DDR for your data lake security?

Zero training required

Seamless integrations with everything

Works in cloud and on-premise

Implementation in as fast as 10 minutes

Your data lake becomes more valuable the more integrated it is, but it also becomes more susceptible to risk of cyberattacks. So, while you may trust the files and content your team adds to your data lake, can you say the same about third parties uploading their own?

Malicious actors can upload file-borne threats to your data lake that can infect the entire ecosystem – sometimes remaining hidden for long periods of time until traditional security solutions like AV finally recognize them. Not only can this leave you open to malware and ransomware, but you’ll be at risk of non-compliance when it comes to private data regulations such as PII, PHI, and PCI.

With so much data on the line, both yours and that of connected vendors (as well as during M&A), Votiro allows you to better govern and protect all your stored data, seamlessly and at scale.

Even if you’ve scanned everything that enters your cloud environment, you can never be sure that a novel, zero-day threat hasn’t made its way inside, polluting the rest. You want to be sure that all digital assets and files are free of malicious elements and that even the most evasive malware won’t make it through.

With so many files in the mix, including those with sensitive information you don’t want exposed to the wrong person or vendor, Votiro ensures that you won’t have to think twice about what’s inside your data lake.

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Dig into the details

Want to sharpen your cybersecurity skills or just looking to learn about a specific topic that affects you and your organization? We have the blogs and resources to help.

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